Iron Guts Kelly 2021

Just a quick update… we’ve been in the studio with Iron Guts Kelly this month recording their new full-length album. We’ve been tracking with Duane Trower at Weights and Measures. He’s got a new space and it’s amazing. He’s a good guy and deserves your business.

The boys crushed it. It’s probably the best writing and playing they’ve ever done together.

We’ve got a little bit of piano, organ, and synth tracking to do in April back at Violent Pacification and then it’s time to mix. Prepare your anus.

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Covid updates

Man, 2020 has been a dumpster fire – am I right? I’ve been luckier than most, so I can’t complain, but it hasn’t been a whole lot of fun for anyone.

I’ve spent some of the time upgrading the computer(s) in the studio. We’ve got a new Mac Mini and we have (finally) made the leap to Logic X. We’ve also added some new plugins and ditched others – mostly outdated stuff that rarely saw use.

We are going to repurpose the old Mac to use as a sort of “studio b” synth station to help recording workflow.

Rumor has it that we are also getting a sit down Joust game… but it’s just rumor.

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Not dead, I promise

It’s been a while, so let’s catch up!

The new Iron Guts Kelly album is about to be released after a long delay. Life gets complicated, man. IGK is also releasing a 7″ on limited edition yellow vinyl.

Beatlab 3.0 is now complete. I’ll post some pictures soon, but I’m super happy with how it turned out. There’s a live room and a good sized mix room… all the stuff one needs for a small project studio. There’s even a bar stocked with the finest mid-level alcohol, so there’s that.

I think the space will be perfect for low-key tracking and overdubs. It isn’t big enough for a full band, but it’s perfect for that purpose and the mix room should be a fantastic space for working.

Keep an eye on the gear section. I’ll be adding a bunch of stuff and, hopefully, selling some old stuff soon.

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Mixing the new IGK

We are three songs in to mixing the new IGK and it’s going to be rad. It’s a mix between straight up Motorhead inspired stuff and slower, bluesy songs. Lots of tube warmth going on with all the new gear from Vintage King.

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Back in the studio

IGK is back in the studio. We are tracking this one at Weights and Measures in Kansas City with Duane Trower. It’s going rad and this one should be out quickly. We’re adding lots of gear in the mix room as well. Stay tuned!

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IGK off to mastering!

Finally! It’s done, we think. It’s off for mastering and we think you’ll like it.

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Long overdue update

We are in the final mix stage of the new IGK album. It’s been a long project – much longer than anticipated – but the results will be worth it.

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IGK guitar tracking done

We’ve finished all the guitar tracking for the next IGK album. Vocals next week and then it is time to mix and finish this project. Excited.

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IGK Update

We’ve finished tracking the the first rhythm tracks with Josh from IGK. We’ve got a second set of rhythm tracks schedules to track and then some lead guitar stuff… and on to vocals.

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Stuff, so much stuff.

We’ve added a bunch of gear recently: a pair of Manley EPQ-1a EQs, a Shadow Hills Oculus, and an Orange TH100 amp.

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